It is great if from the first months of life the baby is surrounded by beautiful objects and furnishings at the table. Forks and spoons for children, bright and unusual. All devices are made taking into account the needs and anatomical structure of babies, they are optimally adapted for feeding and therefore greatly simplify the life of parents.
Children's forks and spoons differ from adult devices in a number of parameters:
Children's tableware is an important component for the formation of a child's eating habits. That is why special attention should be paid to her choice. Each crumb should have its own mug and cutlery, as well as a whole set of plates of different sizes - for the first and second courses and delicious desserts.
A sippy cup for children is visually similar to a cup with a spout, hermetically sealed with a lid. This device is used to smoothly transition the baby from an infant nipple to a regular cup.
drinking cups with a soft spout
sippy mugs
thermal cups with a straw, soft spout, etc.
drinking cups with straws

When the baby begins to eat adult food, the mother's worries are added. And this applies not only to the feeding process itself but also to its consequences - endless stains on the crumbs' clothes. To reduce the number of items sent to the wash every day, baby bibs are used. The choice of these products is diverse. They are designed for babies of different ages with different levels of activity, and therefore differ in material of manufacture and shape.
The baby is introduced to solid food at the age of 6-7 months. To keep the young explorer interested and to make the dating process as safe as possible, kids' nibblers will come in handy. This device is a nylon mesh pouch fixed to the rim. A handle is attached to the rim - so that the baby can independently hold the device in his hand. In the net, you can put, for example, a piece of bread or biscuits, carrots, apples, pumpkins, pears, etc. The kid learns the correct chewing movements. It is indispensable in a difficult situation when teeth are being cut at the crumbs. Chilled fruits or berries can be placed in the net to reduce gum pain and inflammation.